Patricia Salvador
Title: Owner, Chef Company: Amore Mia Location: Las Vegas, Nev. As an established entrepreneur in the cooking and dog grooming fields, Patricia Salvador entirely attributes her skill to, and still...
View ArticleSherri Wong
Title: Sole Proprietor Company: Bridge Road Bistro Location: Charleston, W.V. With 31 years of experience in the field of cooking, Sherri Wong continues in her 10th year as sole proprietor of Bridge...
View ArticleElizebeth Sundberg
Title: Owner Company: Beth’s Home Cookin’ Location: Grafton, N.D. Attributing her success to her faith in the Lord, and love for cooking and serving, Elizabeth Sundberg continues on her 25th year as...
View ArticleMildred Wilson
Title: Owner, Chef Company: Angelfood Catering and Personal Chef Services, LLC. Location: Austin, Texas Mildred Wilson studied art in New Orleans under other artists, and studied cooking in New...
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